Discount tax options in settings
Kelsey Flanagan
Merged in a post:
Discount to Apply Pre-Tax
Gene Sky
Customer would like the discount to calculate to the pre-tax subtotal, not post tax.
Gene Sky
Don't know if the image attached. Trying different way:
Gene Sky
Hi! First off, thank you very much.
This 100% works ( until you guys update the official Discount functionality to do the same and have a % option :D )
One more request please if possible, on the customer proposal display:
Is it possible to make the - (minus) more visible? Maybe do () around the negative number? Currently on the proposal it displays as:
Line 1 -
Line 2 Amount
Functionality works. That's great.
Visually it's not perfectly clear.
Image attached.
Thanks! Very helpful.
I just received this request from a client also.