Ability to customize the Proposal Action Button default
Joanna Fenerlis
Merged in a post:
Ability to toggle automatic proposal flow off
Jamie Stephens
Joanna Fenerlis
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add/remove option for payment tab
Sandy Hanshaw
need an option to add or remove this when sending clients final proposal. We have them pay their final bevg tab night of... we explain this many times over the course of planning. However, we've unfortunately had two guests pay their "final balance" thru PV when we want/NEED them to do it day of at the venue as it's two different programs and messes up our reporting, etc
Sandy Hanshaw
I think so...I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Luke Hutchison
Sandy Hanshaw - Thank you for reaching out! If you don't want the guest to pay, just set the action button after they sign to be "no action"..otherwise it will automatically advance to pay remaining balance. Does that make sense?
Sandy Hanshaw
Luke Hutchison: so we can't set it until after they sign? That means we have to keep tabs on when that happens to change the setting, right> Is there a way to set it up before sending the final to sign?
Luke Hutchison
Sandy Hanshaw: Yes, you would need to do it manually after they sign. We are looking at changing this in the future.